Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Tribute

To whom it may concern …

Years ago, I entered the field of instructing and training. I thought I was good at what I know. I thought that what I know is all there is to know. Well. I assumed wrong. In exchange of giving people instructions to master a few computer programs, I received an education in the art of human relations. I became what I am because of my students. And now, I truly believe that the more I teach, the more I learn.

I always felt nervous whenever one of my students had an exam. I don’t know if it was my ego, that I take it personally by considering their failure to be mine. Or if it was the connection established between a student and myself (specially hard working ones)?! But anyway I feel lucky to have my students around, for they provide me the insight without me having to seek it.

So if I am to say a word for my students, it’ll be this :

“ It was both an honor and a pleasure to meet you somewhere in this life. It was meant for our roads to cross at some point so that we can have the chance to make this little transaction of information. I thank you for giving me the chance to teach you and I hope that everyone of us has known a little about the other and more about ourselves. I thank those of you who considered me a friend and confided me with their problems and emotions. I also thank those who considered to criticize me, for I believe in their good intentions of making a better version of myself.

Now that every one of us is going his own road, I’ll be waiting for our roads to cross again and I’ll be deeply thrilled if I can be of any assistance to you.

Last but not least, thank you for making me what I am.”

Marwa Ibrahim


اسير الاحزان said...

really , my tears start to down , you are so great my sister "miss.marwa" and i am really honored to be your college really you are the best of the best
i know i am not the best , but i am really try to be better by having a great sister like you on my life

rely thank you for every thing for your advices and your talk and for sharing me your life experience

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