Every person has some distinctive characteristics that form his/her own style. Your way of living, dressing and expressing yourself can be elements that contribute to your style. Most of all, the way you communicate with others socially is considered your "Communication Style".
Every one of us has a dominant communication style. Knowing your dominant communication style and that of the others can help you interact effectively with each other, let alone minimizing your chances of having a communication conflict.
In order to determine your communication style, answer these seven simple questions.
Your answers will help you determine your communication style, and that of the others:
1. At a large social gathering, you are most likely to ...:
a. interact with many different people, strangers included.
b. talk one-on-one mostly with people you already know.
c. leave as soon as it is polite to do so.
d. use the opportunity to make important contacts.
2. If you were famous in your field, which career would most suit you?
a. Movie star
b. Humanitarian
c. Inventor
d. Head of a company
3. Of these four personality traits, you consider your strongest to be ...:
a. Imagination
b. Compassion
c. Persistence
d. Assertiveness
4. If you suddenly have some spare time on a weekend, what you usually most WANT to do is ...:
a. ...contact several friends and see if there is something fun going on.
b. ...have some quality time with one or a just a few people.
c. ...focus your energy on one specific hobby or project.
d. ...get a number of important things done on your TO DO list.
5. When the phone rings you,...:
a. ...answer it immediately and talk at length.
b. ...look forward to the call, but wait a few rings before answering.
c. ...deal with whoever it is quickly and efficiently.
d. ...hope someone else will answer it.
6. Which genre of fiction do you prefer??:
a. Comedy or family movies
b. Feel-good story or romance
c. Mystery, psychological thriller or science fiction
d. Epic, historical or action
7. If a conflict arises between a friend and I, my first reaction is to ...:
a. ...make sure the relationship doesn't get damaged.
b. ...find a compromise, where we both get at least part of what we want.
c. ...avoid that person for a while.
d. ...make sure they understand my position on things.
If your answers are mostly A's, your dominant communication style is a "Creator" (also known as collaborator).
If your answers are mostly B's, your dominant communication style is a "Listener" (also known as contributor).
If your answers are mostly C's, your dominant communication style is a "Thinker" (also known as inquisitor).
If your answers are mostly D's, your dominant communication style is a "Doer" (also known as director).
What does it mean????
To understand more about your communication style and those of others, skim through the description details below.
- Friendly and open
- Rarely follow a logical path
- High-energy levels
- Enthusiastic
- Excellent storytellers
- Viewed as visionaries
- Like attention
- Often expect chit-chat even in a workplace
- Skip from task to task
- Impulsive
Can be in conflict with … THINKERS
Word of Advice :)
Talk less, work more. Try to be less intense and more logical.
- Socially oriented, but prefer small groups or one-on-one conversations
- Open to new ideas and opinions
- Masters at compromising
- Peacemakers
- Excellent listener
- Sometimes indecisive
- Repress their anger
- Vent their frustration to a third party
- Can be slow decision makers
Can be in conflict with … DOERS
Word of Advice :)
Try to be more assertive. Focus less on relationships and more on tasks. Learn to make observations based on facts, not subjective judgments.
- Logic and reason are their top priorities
- Have high standards
- Don't speak in emotional terms
- Pay great attention to details
- Like predictability
- Analytical
- Prefer to work alone
- Can be viewed as critical of themselves and others
- Can be overly serious
- Low risk-takers
Can be in conflict with … CREATORS
Word of Advice :)
Try to move faster, show less need for endless detail, be more open to new ideas and people.
- Task oriented
- Take immediate action
- Decisive
- Pragmatic
- Express support through action
- Competitive and Competent
- Can be frustrating and intimidating
- Show little empathy
- Can be domineering
- Poor listeners
Can be in conflict with … LISTENERS
Word of Advice :) Slow down. Count to ten before responding. Learn to listen more. Work at showing empathy and be more patient.
But what happens when these styles fall into a big hole of pressure???
To answer that question wait for our next post ….
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